October 16, 2013

Can Playing by SEO Rules help you Win the eCommerce Game? Yes!

Your  online retail store may have become successful by breaking all the rules, but when it comes to SEO, following the rules is the only way to go. Google, the 800-lb gorilla in the search engine marketplace, rewards websites that adhere to the search engine rules they’ve set, and quickly penalizes any rule breaking. That’s a gorilla you don’t want to mess with.
The funny thing is, sticking to SEO rules makes your ecommerce content much more successful with customers, the real success in the marketplace.

Customers Love Dynamic Content

Quality content based on thorough research attracts customers who crave information about subjects they’re searching. Whether it’s detailed product descriptions to aid a buying decision, how-to articles that explain product use, or buying guides that help customers narrow down choices, useful information lends authenticity and authority to your ecommerce site. What’s more, smart content that engages customers is more likely to result in repeated sales and happy consumers who contribute reviews and positive feedback, further enhancing your site.

Good Navigation Leads to Sales

 Smart site architecture with strong ease of use in navigation and the buying process ensures customers can not only find what they want but complete their purchase transactions with no delay. Headlines and subheads that include relevant keywords and metadata help customers hone in on their target products. Search engines can also easily crawl sites built with structured data that enhances listings. Quality links lead to trusted, well-respected web sites and point at pages that contain appropriate keywords. Site taxonomy also plays a part. Product categories and the organization of information helps customers find precisely what they are looking for.

Build Trust with Unique Content

Even if your site doesn’t have a long history on the web, you can build trust through transparency and unique content like high resolution images and product videos. Search engines down rank duplicate content, but more importantly, customers quickly recognize stale and common content that fails to inspire or answer their questions. The cost of generating unique content is small compared to the great gains that accrue to a website where custom content addresses customer needs in words that speak directly to them. Often, this means taking the thin product information supplied by manufacturers or vendors and beefing it up with additional research and some top quality copywriting. Syndicated copy that is duplicated on other vendor sites, or content that comes from a data warehouse is not only limited in how it presents your products but Google’s search engine algorithms penalize copy it finds elsewhere.
An investment in quality content pays off almost immediately in increased sales and returning customers. Customers come back because they know they can trust what they read on your site.

Create Lasting Customer Relationships

The social aspects of your site should not be overlooked, either. Once you’ve engaged customers, gained their trust, and established your site as their best source for products they want, further that relationship with sharing buttons, comment and review sections, and customer testimonials. Sometimes a customer who is not quite convinced your product is their best choice can be swayed by reading another customer’s positive experience with your company and your products. The more your site is shared, the stronger the SEO results, too. Link your site and sales campaigns through social media tools to be listed as favourites or cited in social networks. The greater your connections across the web, the more authority your site will hold, resulting in higher search engine rankings. It makes the gorilla happy, too.

For easy reference and a good reminder, this Periodic Table of SEO Success Factors will help you ensure you’re playing by all the SEO rules.